Tarot Contemplation: Page of Wands


Originally Posted on my Instagram on January 26th 2019.

Today the page of wands jumped out at me for my card of the day. After finishing up my meditation for for morning I was gazing at the card and the magician candle I had burning behind it. I realized the page of wands is a magician in the making. Both holding their wands high to bring some magic into the world. The page is new energy, ready to take off running, not quite knowing how to best contain that magical, but having so much joy in it. *
How might you find joy in something new today? Where can you find excitement in the act of trying something you haven't quite mastered yet? What can you work on today that will help bring you closer to the goal you want to achieve?
It's OK to be a beginner, to start something new, to fail and try again. If you never start, how will you get to where you want to be?