Q: What is Tarot?

A: Tarot is a system which uses archetypes to help you find the answers which you already know.

I believe we hold all of the answers we seek inside of ourselves. The problem we seem to come across is accessing those answers. Sometimes we don't want to hear the answer, other times we don't trust the answers we hear. Tarot is simply a way to tap into the answers you already have inside of you.

Q: How does Tarot work?

A: Tarot works by providing suggestions which can help us find clarity among the chaos.

Often we turn to the tarot when we need another way to look at a situation we are in. The same way we may turn to a good friend, or a trusted adviser, someone who can look at the situation from the outside and provide insight into things we probably already know about, tarot can provide the mirror which helps us see the spots which are more difficult for us to access.

Q: Does Tarot predict the future?

A: Tarot may give a sense of what is to come, but I do not feel that it can give us for sure answers on what is in our future.

I believe that we all have free will. With that comes the ability to make choices that affect what is in store for us in the future. Tarot can provide a guide post on what might be the best path forward from the situation you’re currently in, but it will be up to you on whether you wish to heed the advice.

Q: Can Tarot provide answers about someone else?

A: I only do readings on the person who is asking for the reading.

Boundaries are very important. I will only pull cards for those who are asking for the reading because they are giving me permission to provide insight into a situation. If you have a question about a person, it is better instead to turn it onto yourself, why is it that you want a reading about them? Are you curious about how you might find love? Do you want to understand how someone else inspires you? Dig deep enough and you’ll realize it’s not really about that person, there’s something you want to know about yourself. Let’s do a reading on that.