Major Arcana Themes
Perviously I shared keywords for the minor arcana, you can find that post here.
Today I am going to share with you my keywords for the Major Arcana.
The major arcana focus on major life energy. Things that you can embody on a larger level. The cards follow a path similar to the hero's journey, one of adventure, challenges, growth, and finally completion. In this way no card is really its own entity, instead it can be considered a freeze frame in the movie.
As you start learning the cards, it is helpful to follow the path your self, seeing how each one builds up on the next. But just as I shared my keywords for the minor arcana, I want to provide you with the themes I consider when I am contemplating each card. Have fun and see what else jumps out at you.
0 - Fool - New beginnings
1 - Magician - Tools to create
2 - High Priestess - Magic from within
3 - Empress - Abundance in creation
4 - Emperor - Establishing structures
5 - Hierophant - Keeping of traditions
6 - Lovers - Alignment of Values
7 - Chariot - Forward momentum
8 - Strength - At ease with powerfulness
9 - Hermit - Inner wisdom
10 - Wheel of Fortune - All things cycle
11 - Justice - Search for Truth
12 - Hanged Man - Pausing to surrender
13 - Death - End of a cycle
14 - Temperance - Balance in all things
15 - Devil - Illusion of being trapped
16 - Tower - Resetting of systems
17 - Star - Searching for Guidance
18 - Moon - One step at a time
19 - Sun - Awareness of all things
20 - Judgement - Review of actions
21 - The World - Embracing wholeness