Card of the Week - March 24th 2024

The card of this week is the Page of Swords.

This week's energy is all about being aware and curious about how you communicate with yourself.

Pages are the learners of the tarot deck. They remind us it's ok to get curious, to try new things, to take a new perspective on something that maybe you're already knowledgeable about. Swords are all about our thoughts and words. The things we say, how we say them, and what kind of impact we're expecting. So when we have the page of swords show up for us it's more often than not a suggestion to get curious and approach things in a new way when it comes to our thoughts and words.

It's really common for us to get into a habit of thinking (how we communicate with ourselves) and speaking in the same way. We get used to a particular pattern, a certain mindset, a cycle of how we expect things to go. Sometimes that cycle is one that isn't very helpful. With the page showing up it's a reminder that we can observe our thoughts and make changes if we aren't pleased with the outcome.

One of my favorite suggestions (by way of Byron Katie) is when you have a thought pop up that starts sending you in a spiral, to stop and ask: Is this true? Is this thought I’m having without a doubt true? And if the answers is no, that gives you space to consider what might actually be true in the situation.

Another thing to try if your thoughts are of the worrying variety is to play the scenario out all the way. Say to yourself: OK, I’m curious, if this bad thing were to happen, what would be the end result? Letting yourself act it out in your brain gives you a chance to observe and decide if it really has as much power as your giving it.

So this week, pay attention to your thoughts, but also get curious about them.

Some journal prompts you can try inspired by the page of swords:

  • What do I think is true, that isn't actually the truth?

  • What is my favorite way of communicating with myself?

  • What am I the most worried about at this moment and how can I see it in a different light?

Megan Gosal